December 3rd,2024- Elyza Lou welcomed her first litter into the world, they will be ready to go home in early february. This litter had 2 males and 3 females; the sire is a new shade isabella and tan carrying fluffy and intensity. These pups will make for a great addition to any family or breeding program.I will try and update the photos but i encourage you to follow my instagram where i post frequently.
Yours Truly Wafflez -
blue merle male - SOLD
Yours Truly Bojanglez -
Blue merle carrying cream/new shade
Isabella and potentially fluffy and intensity. $5500 pet price $6500 fullAKC
Yours Truly Lily Roze -
This girl is a looker, she is the largest puppy in the litter. She is a blue merle carrying cream and new shade isabella. She may also carry fluffy and intensity. pet price $5500 full $7000
Yours Truly Cheyenne -
She is a blue and tan. $5500 pet price $6000 full Akc
Yours Truly Peachez -
She is the smallest puppy in this litter. She is very petite and cobby.
She is $5500 pet price
Amazing puppies HAVE ARRIVED
Please send us an email and to get on a waiting list or if you have any questions.